Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Water or Coke?

Water or Coke?

This information provides interesting material for contemplation.

 #1.   75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
  (This statistic likely applies to half the world population)


#2.     In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
 that it is mistaken for hunger.

#3.    Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism by as much as 3%.

 #4.   One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.
#5.     Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
#6.    Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

#7.    A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.
#8..   Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water you should drink every day?

 #1.    In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

 #2.     You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke and it will be gone in two days.
#3.    To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the 'real thing' sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.

 #4.    To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

 #5.    To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

 #6.   To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

 #7.    To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.  Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

 #8...   To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
 grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your wind-shield.

 #1     the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.  It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.
 #2.   To carry Coca-Cola syrup! (the concentrate) the commercial trucks must use hazardous Material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
 #3.    The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean engines of the trucks for about 20 years!

Now the question is, would you like a glass of water?

or Coke?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Letter Written in 2070

A perspective on living conditions on Earth in 60 years time.

Document published in the magazine
"Crónica de los Tiempos"
April 2002.

We are in the year 2070.
I just turned 50 years old, but I look 85.
I experience major kidney problems, because I drink very little water.
I think that I don’t have much more time to live.
Today, I am the oldest person living in this society.

I remember, when I was 5 years old everything was very different.
There were lots of trees in the parks, houses had beautiful gardens, and I could enjoy long baths and stay in the shower for one whole hour.
Now, we have to clean ourselves by using disposable towelettes moisturized with mineral oil.

Before, women were proud of their beautiful hair.
Now, we have to shave our head to keep it clean without using water.
Before, my father used to wash his car with water that came out of a hose.
Today, children find it hard to believe that one ever could use water to perfom such a task.

I remember the many warnings: ”DON’T WASTE WATER”
But nobody paid attention.
People assumed that water was unlimited.
Today, rivers, dams, lagoons, and under-ground water are all either irremediably polluted or completely dried up.

The landscape that surrounds us has turned into nothing more than an immense desert.
Gastro-intestinal infections, and skin and urinary tract diseases have now become the main causes of death.

Industry is paralysed, and the jobless rate reached a dramatic level.
Desalination plants are the main employers.
They give one drinking water instead of a salary.

People are constantly being mugged for water on the deserted streets.
80% of the food is synthetic.

Before, it was recommended that an adult drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Today, I am allowed only half a glass.

Since we cannot wash our clothes, we throw them, which increases the amount of trash.
We had to go back to using septic tanks, just like in the past century, because the sewage system stopped working due to the lack of water.

People look scary: their bodies are weak; parched by extreme dehydration; covered by sores caused by ultraviolet rays that the atmosphere can no longer filter since the ozone layer is depleted.

Due to the dryness of her skin, a young 20 year-old woman looks more like 40.
Scientists perform all types of research and investigations, but there is no solution in sight.
We cannot produce water.
The lack of trees reduces the amount of oxygen available, which in turn lowers the intellectual quotient of up-coming generations.

The morphology of many individuals’ spermatozoa was altered...
…which results in children being born with all sorts of deficiencies, mutations and malformations.

The government even makes us pay a tax for the air we breathe: 137 m3 per adult per day. [31,102 gallons]
Those who can’t pay the tax are expulsed from the “ventilated areas” that are equipped with gigantic mechanical lungs, powered by solar energy.
The air supplied in the “ventilated areas” is not of very good quality, but at least one can breathe there.
The average age is 35.

Some countries succeeded in preserving a few islands of vegetation with their own streams. These areas are closely monitored by the army.
Water has become a rare commodity, a highly sought after treasure, infinitely more valuable than gold or diamonds.

Here, though, there are no more trees because it hardly ever rains. And whenever it does rain, it is acid rain that comes down.
There are no more seasons. Climatic changes such as the greenhouse effect and the polluting activities we indulged in during the twentieth century took care of that.
We were warned about the need to take care of our environment, but nobody bothered.

When my daughter asks me to tell her how it was when I was young, I describe the beauty of the forests.
I tell her about the rain, about the flowers, about how pleasurable it was to bathe, to fish in the rivers and the lakes, and being able to drink as much water as one desired.
I tell her about how healthy people used to be.

She asks me:
- Daddy! Why is there no water anymore ?
I feel a lump in my throat...

I can’t help feeling guilty, because I belong to the generation that completed the destruction of our environment by simply not taking seriously any of the warnings ... and there were so many of them!
I belong to the last generation who could have made a difference, but who chose not to act.

Today, our children pay the hefty price.

Quite frankly, I think that, within short, life on this Earth will no longer be possible, because the destruction of our environment reached its point of no return.

How I wish I could go back in time and get the Human race to understand this ...
... at a time when it was still possible for us to do something to save our planet Earth!

Send this letter to all your contacts and contribute, even if it is only by a fraction, to the necessary global awareness on the water issue.

This is no game, it is already our reality. Do it for your children; if you don’t have any yet, maybe you will some day.

Don’t leave them hell as a legacy ... Leave them life!

Thursday, September 3, 2009




They don't want to talk about it. They don't want you to know about it.

But behind the glossy advertising and famous celebrities,

the biggest cosmetics company in the world hides a shameful secret…

L'Oreal does not want to reveal animal testing to their customers, and they certainly don't want to reveal the disgusting range of tests carried out on the animals…

Disgraceful eye irritation tests are conducted by securing rabbits so they are immobile while substances are dropped into their eyes (rabbits are used because they have no tear ducts and therefore cannot relieve the stinging and pain).

Poisoning takes place whereby groups of animals are continually force-fed an ingredient until half of the group die.

Other animals have their skin shaved and scraped until super-sensitive, then the ingredient is applied to test skin reaction - making sure that the poor animal cannot scratch or remove the substance.

It is hard to imagine the pain suffered by these defenseless animals. But we all know how sore it can be when we get something in our eye or our skin is scraped - at least we can immediately do something to relieve the pain.

Think of what it would be like if we were unable to touch or stop the pain, not just for a minute or two but for hours running into days.

It's simply so disgraceful!

L'Oreal is the single biggest obstacle to ending cosmetic testing on animals


With your support we can all play a role in putting a stop to the cruelty.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Fundamental Desires

Since our emotional well-being is totally dependent upon what desires we set for ourselves, the management of those desires becomes a crucial skill for maintaining and enhancing that well-being. We can divide our desires into four main groups:
  • Objective desires
  • Needs
  • Beliefs
  • Expectations
Each desire that we hold acts as a constraint upon our emotional well-being and so firstly we require a conscious awareness of these desires.

Objective Desires

These are generally real world outcomes of a physical nature, such as acquiring possessions and material resources and achieving certain experiences. Objective desires generally relate to setting things to do and then getting them done. Very often we set desires that we cannot obtain in the moment of desiring them and so the emotional guidance system generates negative emotions because we have not obtained the real world result in that moment. The key to feeling good whilst progressing towards highly sought after desires is to set small objectives that are easy to do in the moment and incrementally take you to final fulfilment of the objective.


Whenever we create a desire that we can only fulfil through the actions and results of someone or something else then we also create a need. These needs lie at the root of most neurotic behaviour because when we cannot control the fulfilment of our desires through our own personal abilities we start to become a little bit fraught. The level of intensity of that reaction depends upon how much value we put upon the fulfilment of that need in order to feel good, or at least not to feel bad. If we have a lot of needs then we feel negative emotions most of the time because we have little or no control over the fulfilment of those desires in reality and we will receive constant negative feedback and negative emotions from our guidance system because of this.


In order to deal with unknown causes, a lack of knowledge or uncertain outcomes we often create or adopt beliefs. These beliefs are mental constructs that we hold onto in order to have some sense of predictability, reason or sustenance for those times when the odds seem stacked against us. Consequently they also set up desires against which we measure real world results and so as a result we must take great care over what beliefs we create and what beliefs we choose to adopt. Holding unquestioned beliefs can lead to a lot of difficulty in attempting to reconcile real world results against beliefs that have not correctly predicted or caused a desired result. The best way to deal with this is to take a scientific approach and turn beliefs into theories that can be tested. The results of these tests will give better systems of prediction and causality to live by. Theories or beliefs that cannot be conclusively tested should not be depended upon to fulfil desires. In this way we remain level headed and do not set desires that cannot be fulfilled and hence we protect our emotional well-being.


Expectations act as constraints upon our assessment and interpretation of an event. They set up little desires as to the quality and nature of what we do or what we experience. Consequently they often set up conflicting desires that make fulfilment difficult, if not totally impossible, and can often lead to not feeling good even when an important objective desire has been fulfilled. They tend to determine whether we feel satisfied once an objective desire has been fulfilled.

We tend to absorb or evolve a lot of our expectations rather than consciously forming them. We decide on “what’s right and what’s wrong” by observing and picking up signals from the people and culture around us as well as from personal experience on what makes a satisfying result. Unlike objective desires, needs or beliefs, things that we can readily identify and change, we often don’t become aware of our expectations until they result in negative emotions triggered by our emotional guidance system due to non-fulfilment. At this point it is too late to counteract them before they occur but once recognised we can change the ‘must have’ expectations to preferences. We do this by thinking, “Although I would have preferred Factor A to have occurred it didn’t and I accept that reality. Even so, I still fulfilled my prime desire and a lot of other preferences.”

User Manual

Unfortunately, we are not born with a user manual that tells us what all the emotional warning signs are caused by. As a result, few of us know the root cause of our emotional upsets and so we spend vast quantities of time and effort reacting to our emotions and seeking relief from them. This is ineffective because without getting to the root cause we solve nothing and so the symptoms come back again and again and again. Conscious management of desires to ensure that desires set are desires that can be fulfilled brings massive relief from upset and dealing with upset. Once you do that consistently you free up time and resource to develop the capabilities that enhance your ability to fulfil greater desires.

Expert from: Fundamental Insights Into Better Living

Mapping your life path

While a career may play an important role in your life, it is not the sole, or even the most important aspect of your future. Many people put their all into career development and neglect other aspects of their life which as a result can create feelings of emptiness and loneliness. It is a great feeling to excel in your chosen career but in all reality your work is simply what you do, it is not the center of your life. Your life will be much more fulfilling if you view your career or your work as a means of support for your life rather than seeing it as the center of your life or your purpose. Think about it. If your career is what you live for, what are you going to do when you retire or if you become disabled and can’t work? Will your life lose all its meaning?

Achieving balance in your life can help to avoid complete devastation. There are several areas of your life that require attention. These areas fall into five broad categories:

1. Personal

2. Professional

3. Familial

4. Spiritual

5. Community

The personal areas of your life deal with your needs, desires and passions – the things that give you personal satisfaction.

This area may include things like physical fitness, your home and surroundings, travel, recreational activities, pets, friends, romance, your social life, your appearance, and so forth. Some people are somewhat selfish and put their personal needs and desires above all else, but many people sacrifice their personal needs in order to fulfill their responsibilities in all other aspects of their life. Neither of these extremes are healthy. Personal needs and desires deserve adequate attention and you should not feel guilty for putting your personal needs above others at times. At the same time, you should not be selfish and inflexible to the point that others are negatively affected.

The professional aspects of your life may bring you personal satisfaction, but there is a fine line between personal and professional areas of your life.
It is not uncommon for people who derive personal satisfaction from their careers to become workaholics and for those who do not find their work to be personally satisfying to become lazy and unmotivated. Again, these are both extremes that should be avoided. Professional development and being the best that you can be in your chosen career makes you feel good about yourself and will likely lead to career advancement which will enable you to provide the financial support that you need to fulfill other needs in your life. This is good as long as there is a balance and other aspects of your life are not neglected.

Familial aspects of your life deal with your family (Both the family you have now and the family you may have in the future including a spouse, children and maybe eventually grandchildren)
There can be extremes in this area as well as individuals can become so centered on their family that the loss of a family member can make them feel like life is not worth living. On the other hand, a person may neglect the familial aspects of their life taking their family for granted which can eventually leave them filled with guilt for not spending enough time with individuals in their family. Life is busy and individuals have many different things they are involved in. In any case; however, it is important to spend time with your family and to cherish each and every member of your family while you have them.

Spiritual aspects of a person’s life are another area that is sometimes neglected.
Spirituality means different things to different people. To many people religious beliefs are their spiritual focus. Others may gain spiritual satisfaction from nature or just from exercising their personal values or doing good deeds. Whatever your source of spirituality, it is an area of your life that deserves attention.

Community is the fifth area of focus that can lead to fulfillment.
We are all affected by the community in which we live and we all have various levels of concern regarding it. Your community interests may be narrow, with the greatest concerns for your neighborhood or your town, or they may be expansive with concern for the state, the nation or even the world. Whatever your level of community interest is, contributing to the community in any way that you can generates personal satisfaction. This satisfaction may come from voting, serving in a public office, participating in community improvement efforts, or simply voicing your concerns.

Every individual has some interest in these five areas though for some one area may be more intense than others. Whatever the case, you will find happiness and fulfillment from achieving a balance that is right for you between each of these areas of your life. Throughout your life, be cautious about extremes. Be sure that you don’t spend all of your time and energy on one area of your life while neglecting the others. It may not be evident at the time, but if you go to extremes, down the road you will likely have many regrets.

Excerpt From: moneyinstructor.com